So it has come to this....

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So it has come to this....

Post: # 16712Post otcconan

I've been thinking about this ever since my anyurism in South Carolina, and although my musical mind and my physical capabilities on the guitar haven't diminished much, I know that I cannot record metal music anymore, and since the horrible ice storm we had in South Texas last month, my amp is toast (though I'm going to take it to be looked at). But these events have pressed upon me that at 51, maybe I should retire from recording and just take my acoustic to open mic nights and occasional jams with local Texas country guys. So, my last hurrah of Dinosaur Rock Guitar is probably upon me. I love you guys and I don't want to go out with a wimper. So, I'm asking for some help in finding out how to put my stuff on iTunes. I've got some good songs between my own catalog and Evil Muppet Project, I could surely scrape up at least a dozen good titles. So, as friends, please visit YouTube and search my real name (John Bernsen) and give me a heads up of what you'd like to hear. I'm not doing this to make money. I've decided to give my life to my Lord and Savior, and I just don't have time for this. I might write spiritual songs in the future, but I'm taking time to study the Gospels and follow Jesus. I hope you can respect that. Yes, I had to make some mental reconciliation with Him after my fandom of Slayer and Deicide, but I know through his sacrifice, I am saved. Don't give up on this Dino, though, as we all know Stryper is heavier than Slayer anyway.

Love you all, Conan. )
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So it has come to this....

Post: # 243806Post Stitsel

Much support to you, do what you know is right.And keep playing.
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Dinosaur David B
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So it has come to this....

Post: # 243807Post Dinosaur David B

You know better than to post the religious stuff here. I hope you find what you're looking for, but this isn't the place to air that journey.
It's not a restring until I'm bleeding.